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You’ve Got Questions. We’ve Got Answers.

What do you mean by "small" ?

Doggies' Heaven accepts dogs up to 20lbs. However, we understand that some breeds (like the Basset Hound) are a little heavier and, as long as they're not too overwhelming for the smaller dogs, we're willing to meet to see if it could still be a good fit.

Does my dog have to be spayed or neutered?

Yes.  However, we do accept puppies (except during heat cycles) but we will require them to be neutered/spayed by 8 months.

Do you accept puppies?

Yes!  Puppies are super fun and bring more life to the party!  :)  However, to ensure their safety, your puppy should be at least 4 months (16 weeks) which is when they should have received their last set of puppy shots.

How about older/special needs dogs?

Yes!  We love them!  However, dogs requiring medical care will do best in an Animal Hospital.  Also, please keep in mind that boarding can be quite stressful for a very old dog who has never been away from home and with multiple dogs.  Those dogs usually do best at home with a house sitter or in a calmer environment.

Why don't you take big dogs? Don't you like them?

"Doggies' Heaven" loves all dogs & breeds.  Sadly, the house is not big enough to accommodate the bigger breeds.  Also, there are many small dogs who get stressed around bigger dogs.  Doggies' Heaven's priority is to make sure that all guests have a great time and feel safe at all times.

Are vaccinations required for my dog(s) to stay at "Doggies' Heaven"?

Yes.  For the health, safety and welfare of all the dogs living & staying here, the following vaccines are required (you will be asked to provide proof of vaccinations): Rabies, DHLP-P & Bordetella.  Please be aware that, unfortunately, the Bordetella vaccine is not 100% effective.

Are the dogs supervised at all times?

Yes!  I'm with them 24 hours, this is what I do with my life.  However, they will be alone & separated for a short period of time (1-2 hours) whenever I have to go to pick up/drop off dogs, go for walks, do errands or have appointments.

What do I need to bring with my dog(s) ?

I will need your food/treats.  If your dog uses a crate, please provide bedding inside.  Your dog should also wear a collar with tags or, at least, have a harness.  I will also take your  leash.  You can bring your food bowl but I will not need your water bowl.  Please keep your fancy beds, blankets & toys as we provide those items.  Feel free to bring a sweater/cold/raincoat if needed.  If your dog is on medication, you will need to provide whatever he/she needs to take this medication with (peanut butter, pill pockets, cheese etc).  Unfortunately, we can not accept chews.

Do you walk the dogs? If so, where do you take them?

Yes, we try & go for walks whenever possible either on the property which has several trails, on the Snoqualmie Valley trail downtown Duvall, along the pipeline in Duvall or in the neighborhood.

Are you able to administer medication and do you charge for this extra service?

Yes, I am and I will not charge you for this service.  Unfortunately, I do not do shots (allergy, insulin etc) or give fluids.


How about feeding?

All dogs are closely supervised and/or separated to make sure that everyone gets to eat their own food and/or to avoid fights.  Feeding is twice a day, morning & evening.  We can not offer free feeding.  

Will my dog be brushed? How about a nail trim? 

Unless your dog does not tolerate it, all dogs are brushed during the stay and before going home.  However, if your dog is matted, I will only be able to do the minimum.  As long as your dog is good about it, I can also trim nails but you will have to request it.  

Will my dog be given a bath before I pick him/her up?

I do not usually bathe dogs who are here for short stays but you may request it for extended stays.  I will obviously bathe him/her if he/she has had a little "too much fun"!

What are your hours of operation?

​"Doggies' Heaven" is open 8am to 6p, Monday thru Sunday.  We are closed on July 4th, Thanksgiving & Christmas days, meaning you will not be able to pick up/drop off on those days. 

What are the best ways to contact you?

Texting & emailing.  You may also contact us through the Facebook messenger.

Where do the dogs sleep at night?

If your dog is used to sleeping in a crate, I will do the same here.  For the others, and as long as they can be trusted (meaning they can hold it and do not mark), they will be free in the house and welcome to snuggle with us or sleep on the couches/dog beds.  Otherwise, I will use my own crates/exercise pens to minimize accidents. 

How about wildlife ?  Is your place safe ?  Are the dogs left outside by themselves?

Doggies' Heaven outdoor area is fully fenced & secure with a 6-7 feet high wooden/chain link fence.  The dogs are never left outside by themselves and always supervised when spending time or playing outside.  At nighttime, the outdoor area is very well lit so that everyone can take care of business under my supervision.  The property's owner also owns German Shepherds who have been our "bodyguards" for many years and keeping wildlife away.


If my dog needs veterinary attention, what is your course of action ?

I will always try to reach you before taking your dog to an Animal Hospital to discuss the problem and let you decide what you prefer to do.  If I'm unable to reach you, I will call your Emergency contacts.  Then, I will either use your own veterinarian or my own (if they're able to) or your preferred emergency animal hospital.

Is there a Cancellation fee?

Yes.  For all summer & major holidays reservations, a cancellation within 7 days means you will be asked to pay 25% of the reserved stay.  During the rest of the year, a cancellation within 72 hours means you'll be asked to pay 50% of the reserved stay and a 48 hours or less cancellation means you'll be requested to pay for the entire scheduled stay.

How soon should I make a reservation ?

Do you require a deposit? If not, when should I pay you and what methods of payment do you accept?

A deposit is only required for major holidays.  Payment is due when you pick up your dog.  We accept cash, checks, Paypal, Venmo & Zelle.  We can not take credit cards.

You will need to make reservations months in advance for all major holidays (Mid Winter & Spring breaks, Memorial Day & Labor Day weekends, July 4th, Thanksgiving & Christmas/NY) and summer.  Otherwise, please make reservations as soon as possible because, unfortunately, our space is limited.

Do you offer any discounts?

Doggies' Heaven's rate is very low compared to most boarding places and so we're not able to offer discounts at this time.

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